Willow has updated its insight workflow to support users in prioritizing and quickly identifying the most important issues to focus on. Willow's previous insight workflow - where users moved insights through New, Open, In Progress, Resolved and Ignored statuses - proved tedious and didn't provide users with the information they needed to prioritize their work.
Now, insights will flow through automated statuses based on their live occurrence data. The statuses consist of Active, Inactive, Insufficient Data and Disabled. Each status will be updated based on the insight's live occurrence data, meaning if an insight is faulting, the status and occurrence data will reflect Active. If an insight is not faulting, the status and occurrence data will be Inactive. If an insight is reading as having insufficient data, the insight will show as having Insufficient Data. And if Activate has disabled a legacy version of an insight, then that insight will be labeled as Disabled. This update will allow users to be able to best understand the current status of their insights at a glance.
Additionally, this update will include insight comments, custom ignoring, column selection and sorting to support users in identifying the most important insights to address. Willow created comments because users often wanted the ability to comment on an insight without necessarily creating a ticket. This could be writing down why an insight was ignored for future reference or letting their colleague know how they've assessed the insight. Now, users have that ability.
All Insights
The insights page has gotten a refresh across the board to reflect this new workflow. Here, we'll outline the changes to the All Insights page.
The Last Active column will now be the user's reference for the current status of the insight. If the insight is Active, the column will read Now. If the insight is not Active, then the column will show the time relative to when it was last active.
The Diagnostics column is a new addition to the insights experience. Here, if the user sees a green diagnostics icon in the column, it means that diagnostics are available on this insight.
The Tickets column has been updated to break out tickets by status. The leftmost icon represents Open tickets on the insight. The right icon represents Closed tickets. Users will be able to filter for insights that have Closed and/or Open tickets on them using the filter panel on the left of the page.
Weekly Duration has been added to give users a better sense of the pattern or trend of the insight. Let's say the value in that column displays as such:
This means the insight has been Active for 26 hours over the last 7 days. And the Active time of the insight has increased 63% week-over-week, indicating that the issue is worsening.
Column Selection
Users now have the ability to choose which columns they'd like to display in any of the tables within the Insights experience. Additionally, Willow has pulled in all impact scores available on the insights within view, so users can choose what they would like to prioritize by. All of the impact score columns are sortable.
Columns can also be reordered by dragging and dropping the headers.
Card View
Card view has seen a few updates as well. Willow has instituted a cleaner card design, making the information more digestible and relevant to the workflow.
In the top left, the Last Active value is displayed - either showing Now if there is an Active Insight or displaying relative time to when the latest insight was Last Active. In the middle of the card, the insight name, priority, category and new diagnostic badge are displayed. The diagnostic badge will only be visible on cards where diagnostics are available. In the bottom left, Active Insights counts the number of insights within the card that are currently Active relative to the total count. The bottom right shows the Avoidable Cost per Year.
Viewing an Insight
The insights view has been updated to include a tag of the current status at the top of the page.
The occurrences tab has been updated with the new statuses, labeling insights as Active, Inactive, Insufficient Data or Disabled.
Ignoring Insights
A new option is available to Ignore an insight for a selected duration. Users can use the Actions menu or bulk selection to perform this step.
Upon selecting Ignore Insight, a modal will pop up which will prompt the user to select the duration they’d like the insight(s) to be ignored for and to input a comment as to why they are ignoring the insight(s). Ignoring an insight will ignore it for all users within your organization for the selected duration.
Users can view ignored insights by navigating to the gear icon on the main insights page and selecting View Ignored Insights.
Insights can be unignored through the Actions menu on the Ignored Insights page or through the Actions menu when viewing an insight.
Upon opening an ignored insight, a banner will appear at the top of the page indicating to the user that the insight is ignored until the specified date and time. Users can view when the insight was ignored and the associated comment in the Activity tab.
Lastly, there is now the ability to comment on insights. Users can now add comments to insights from any insights table.
When adding a comment from the Actions menu, a modal will popup to type and save the comment. Once saved, a comment icon will appear in the Activity column.
Users can also now add comments directly from the Activity tab. Comments will be viewable here with timestamps and tagged with the person who wrote them.
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